Old Bordenian Reunion Dinner 2025 - Saturday 26th April 2025
Venue: The 1928 School Dining Hall
Bar opens 6pm; first course served at 7pm
Click Here to Book
If you have questions about the Dinner, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Old Bordenian Association Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Thursday 11th September 2025, starting at 18:30 Local BST (1730 GMT/UTC)
All Members of the Old Bordenian Association are invited and, indeed, encouraged to attend the OBA AGM in September 2024. The AGM will be hosted on Zoom, enabling Old Bordenians from ALL around the world to participate actively in the OBA's management. The AGM includes a summary of the School's and the OBA's activities over the preceding year, the presentation of OBA financial accounts, and the election of Committee Members and allocation of Roles for the forthcoming year.
The date is chosen to be soon after the start of the new school academic year, to also allow Staff (including new Staff) to be informed and take part, and before the start of the university academic year to encourage new and recent school leavers also to take part before they disperse to priorities new.
The time is chosen to try to be not too late in the UK and Europe, Africa and West Asia time zones; early afternoon in the Americas; and not too early in East Asia and Oceania time zones.
Do note the date in your diary and do try to take part !
We are appealing for OBA Members to join the Committee. Can you spare 10 hours over the next year in order to keep the OBA running ?
Are you an interested Old Bordenian who can play a passive role in an Oversight and Advisory capacity to ensure that the Association is run properly ? We have quarterly meetings to coordinate the activities of the OBA. There is no further call on your time.
Or perhaps you have specific skills and experience that you can offer in fields such as finance, administration, marketing, engagement and accounting.
Perhaps you would like to play a key role in the running of the Association in between meetings.
If you are interested in giving something back to the OBA, and keeping it running, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
OBA & BGS Combined Annual Service of Remembrance, 2025
Tuesday 11th November, starting at 10:30
All OBs are cordially invited to the annual Service of Remembrance. This may be held on the steps in
front of the School, or within the Quadrangle. This is a combined service for Old Bordenians
and Current Bordenians.
This year, Remembrance Sunday is on the 10th. Please note in your diary that the combined OBA & BGS Service is being held on Armistice Day which is Monday, 11th November 2024, and starting at 10:30.
We hope that you can join us.
Click HERE for past OBA events