News Compendium

Phil Kitney

We have been advised of the passing of Phil Kitney (1972-79) in December 2023.  We send our belated condolences to his family and invite Old Bordenians to submit any memories or stories about Phil which could allow us to publish a more detailed obituary in the near future.

Stan Whitnell - Obituary

We aim to publish obituaries of those Old Bordenians we have lost, even if sometimes we learn of their passing sometime after the fact.  In a recent drive to update records we were sad to hear of the death in 2021 of Stan Whitnell.  His nephew and fellow OB Allen Whitnell kindly provided this obituary of Stan which we are honoured to publish.

Dick Baker - a further tribute

Dennis Fowle (at School 1945-51) contacted the OBA on seeing the obituary for Dick Baker, who he had known at School. Dennis has sent us a further tribute to Dick Baker which we publish below:

Francis (Dick) Baker

It is with great sadness we report the passing of Francis (Dick) Baker CBE in December. His daughter, Karen Page, wrote to the OBA with this obituary of one of our most distinguished OBs both through public service but also in supporting the School.

2023 School Prize Giving

The Association has been pleased to build closer relations with the School Head since his appointment and this includes a number of Old Bordenians being asked to speak at the School's Annual Prize Giving. 

250 years plus

Peter Lusted writes about a tradition that embodies the OBA spirit:

For the past few years a small group of Old Boys have had occasional meetings during the year culminating in a Christmas meal.  

Do you remember Peter Jordan?

We are aware of an OB, Peter Jordan, who died in service of the North Rhodesia Police in 1964. North Rhodesia became independent of Britain as Zambia in 1964. OBA Archivist Marc Stewart is researching Peter and would welcome contact with any OBs who were at School with Peter or contact with him after School days. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In Remembrance: Michael Simpson

As we draw near to Remembrance Day we remember the last Old Bordenian known to have fallen in service of his country.  Michael Simpson (who left the School in 1972) served with the Royal Engineers before being commissioned in the Staffordshire Regiment. He was shot whilst on patrol in Northern Ireland by IRA gunmen on 3 October 1974 and died three weeks later, aged twenty-one.