News Compendium

Joseph Wright - Obituary

It is with regret that we have recently heard of the death of Joseph Wright, at the age of 26.  Joseph attended Borden Grammar School from 2000 to 2007.  His death was reported in the Sittingbourne News Extra - the full report can be read here: Joseph Wright - Obituary

Old Bordenian Historian Needs Help

Old Bordenian Marc Stewart is appealing for information about men from Sittingbourne who died fighting for their country.  The appeal was featured in Sittingbourne News Extra, one of Sittingbourne's local papers, recently.  You can read the full article here: Marc Stewart - appeal.

2015 Website Digest - eMaroon

We have produced an easily accessible and printable copy of all the articles posted on the website over the past year, similar to the Maroon publication, which was discontinued in 2009.  It includes all material suitable for printed format from January 2015 to December 2015 (with poetic licence, one was early January 2016!!).  To access the digest, click this link: Website Digest 2015

2016 Annual Reunion Dinner - 5th March

This year's Annual Reunion Dinner will be held on Saturday 5th March.  The guest speaker this year will be Old Boy Stephen Bedelle who is a veteran of the Falklands Conflict and who served in the Royal Navy and the Royal Canadian Navy for more than 40 years.  Full details and how to book your place are contained in this document: Dinner_Invitation_-_2016.pdf.  Please book by Saturday 20th February.

Old Bordenian Malcolm McNeille BRADSHAW awarded MBE in New Year Honours List

Malcolm Bradshaw, an Old Bordenian who left the school in the 1960s, has been awarded an MBE in the 2016 New Year Honours List.  The formal citation states:

Malcolm McNeille BRADSHAW

Senior Chaplain, Anglican Church in Greece. For services to interfaith understanding and community charities in Greece.

The Diocese in Europe website provides further details of Malcolm's work and the award:

Annual Reunion Dinner - 5th March 2016

The 2016 Annual Reunion Dinner will be held on Saturday 5 March at UK Paper Clubhouse, Avenue of Remembrance, Sittingbourne. The Bar opens at 6.00 pm, dinner at 7.00 pm.

The cost is £20 per head to include dinner and coffee. Phone Chris Laming on 07736 728744 to book your place now.

Guest speaker: Steve Bedelle

Old Bordenian at the London Film School

Patrick Ireland, an Old Bordenian from 2001 to 2008, has contacted us with an update on his latest film venture.  His story ....

My name is Patrick Ireland and I am a student at the London Film School. I grew up in Herne Bay and attended Borden Grammar School from 2001 - 2008. I very much enjoyed my experience at Borden and was heavily involved in drama & filmmaking whilst at the school.

1978 BGS School Photo

Prompted by the publication of the 1973 school photo, Paddy O'Reilly (BGS 1973-1981) has submitted the 1978 version, taken in the school's centenary year.

News of Old Boys - Steve Piper

We recently heard news of an Old Boy, Steve Piper, who was at Borden in the 1980/90's.  He is a director/writer/producer of a British independent film company, and rather than repeat what is on their website, please use the following link -   Coffee Films to read about them. Steve's own biography is also available.

Old Bordenian Hockey Club - an update!

OBHC Clubhouse_1

I notice that the last report filed by me on OBHC appeared in 2009, so I had better come out from behind that rock and start writing!

All sports evolve in their respective strategies, playing skills and techniques, equipment, fitness levels and the rules of the sport, but few, I would suggest, have evolved to such an extent as has hockey. The days of turning up for a game with the dregs of a pint in one hand, a fag in the other, and the stick still in the changing room are long gone.