News Compendium

Ken Sears (1927-2014) - An Appreciation

Ken Sears_and_medalEvery individual is unique, but some are uniquer than others!  And Ken Sears, who died on 9th November 2014, was certainly one of those.

Born in Sheerness, he lived in the same house in Winstanley Road all his life.   After attending the Broadway Primary School, he went to Borden until he was 18 and thence to Lincoln College, Oxford, where he graduated in Modern History.  He  spent a further year in Government Studies at Mansfield College before being employed initially by Coventry Council and then by the City and Guilds Institute, where he worked as an Education Officer for the rest of his careeer.  So much for the bare facts.  What made Ken so remarkable, however, was his huge range of interests and 'extramural' activities, of which three in particular stand out.  

Ken Sears

We regret to announce the passing away of Ken Sears on 9 November 2014.  Ken was a long standing member of the OBA committee and will be sadly missed. More details of Ken's life and contribution to the Old Boys will be added shortly. 

The funeral took place on Thursday 20th November 2014 at 2-30pm at Hope Street Church, Sheerness.

1989 Maroon (2)

Looking back 25 years, it transpires that our guest speaker at the 2015 Dinner, Dennis Fowle, contributed an article to the Maroon that year.  With apologies to Dennis if he planned to use this article as the draft for his speech!!

1989 Maroon

Looking back 25 years, it transpires that our guest speaker at the 2015 Dinner, Dennis Fowle, contributed an article to the Maroon that year.  With apologies to Dennis if he planned to use this article as the draft for his speech!!

25 Years On!!

Were you a Borden pupil 25 years ago?  When there were no First or Second Formers (or should that be Year 7 and Year 8 students in modern terms?) wandering the corridors.  If so, you may find the 1989 Borden School magazine, reproduced below, of interest.  Do any of the reports within the magazine jog memories?  Feel free to share your thoughts with other Old Boys by sending them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I'll publish on this website.

Bordenian 89

Can you spare a couple of hours a year?

I've just worked out the average age of an Old Bordenian Association Committee Member.  It is 107.333 recurring.  Mark you, I only just scraped a Pass in Maths, but the figure I've arrived at seems entirely plausible to me.  After all, most of us have been on the Committee for 70 or 80 years.  Well, it seems like it..... 

Marion Minhall

We have just sadly heard that Marion Minhall, a former teacher at the school, has passed away after a short illness.  Our sympathy and condolences are with her family.

50 Years On: Class of 1957-1964 Reunion

57-64 Outside_School

For the past few months, Colin Wiles and Bill Bailey have been organising a reunion to "celebrate" leaving Borden Grammar School 50 years ago.This took place on Friday 6 June 2014 and Bill has produced the following report of the event:

Music From The Waves

We have received information regarding the exploits of an Old Bordenian via a former teacher of the school (Les Olive, who was the guest speaker at the last OBA Reunion Dinner). Les's email is reproduced below.