Mark Costen has provided two photographs from the 1956/57 era which include his uncle Michael Austin, sadly no longer with us.
Click to enlarge
(Left to right)
Graves Holbrook Bonfield Austin Chandler Moss Dennett Butler Wright Ledger Allen
Lemming Gourley Teasdale Lewis Holmes Bryce Reed Farnham Sedge Llewhellin
Valentine Millen Evans Harnden Edwards Leppard Fletcher Mason August Mills
click to enlarge
I have no names or details of which Form or football team (1st XI?) they are, but I am hoping website visitors will be able to help. If you can, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Should anybody want to get in touch with Mark or any of Michael's siblings please email the same address and I will forward to Mark.
Additional information: Richard Evans has provided additional information and all the names related to the first photograph above. Richard says "We were the year that entered BGS in September 1954. With valuable help from some of my former class-mates, I have been able to remember everyone’s names. With apologies for any mistakes." Richard also commented "We didn't look very happy. I seem to remember that George Hardy, the Headmaster, had a habit of standing behind the camera to deter any funny faces from being pulled!"