OBA Annual General Meeting Minutes - 4 October 2013

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The minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at the School on Friday 4 October, 2013


Members present: N. Hancock, K. Sears, A. Snelling, D. Palmer, D. Jarrett, S. Caveney, G. Barnes, B. Gilbert, C. Laming


Apologies for absence: P. Lusted, T. Akehurst, M. Stewart, K. Shea, P. Taylor, M. Pack


Minutes and matters arising: The minutes of the meeting held on Friday 5 October, 2012, were agreed and signed as a correct record. 

The committee was introduced to the new head teacher, Jonathan Hopkins, following the retirement of the former head teacher and OBA president Harold Vafeas. Mr Hopkins agreed to stand as the new president. 

The secretary was asked to contact Harold with the news that the committee had conferred on him Honorary Life Membership of the Association at an earlier meeting and that he should have been informed of this at his retirement party in the summer. (The secretary subsequently did this via the school office). 

The committee also conferred Honorary Life Membership on former headmaster Bryan Short and the secretary was asked to write to him with the news. (The secretary checked the records and discovered that the honour had already been bestowed at the time of Mr Short’s retirement in1998.) 

There were no other matters arising.


The 2013 officers and committee were elected as follows: 

President: J. Hopkins

Vice-President: P. Lusted

Hon. Secretary: C. Laming

Hon. Treasurer: N. Hancock

Membership secretary: K. Shea

Dinner Secretary: C. Laming

Website representative: D. Palmer

Website advertising: K. Shea

OBA governor: A. Wilson

Football rep: K. Shea

Hockey rep: N. Hancock

Committee: P. Taylor, S. Caveney, T. Akehurst, G. Barnes, M. Pack, M. Stewart, D. Jarrett, B. Gilbert, K. Sears, A Snelling

Accounts examiner: P. Taylor 

Tony Akehurst had sent word via Neil Hancock that he is unlikely to be able to attend future committee meetings. Members present voted unanimously in favour of him remaining a committee member. 

Alan Snelling formally resigned as OBA governor and was thanked warmly for his service over the past 12 years. The committee was told that as no serving committee member was willing to take over the position, Alan Wilson, a serving governor and member of the OBA, was willing to stand and that this move had been agreed with the chair of governors. Alan Wilson would not attend OBA committee meetings but would receive copies of the Association minutes such that a communication channel would be open. The committee voted in favour of this change and the clerk of governors was subsequently notified by the secretary. 

Alan Snelling proposed that the new president might like to consider appointing a deputy to attend committee meetings on his behalf. He nominated a serving member of staff who is also an OB. The president would consider the matter outside the meeting.


Constitutional changes: None


Correspondence: None.


Treasurer’s report: The Association made a surplus of £2,071.23 compared with a loss of £582 the previous year. Subscriptions at £3,582.50 were £150 down on 2012 which the treasurer described as a worrying trend. The committee agreed to rein in any ad hoc donations due to pressure of finances. However, the dinner had made a small profit and this, along with the sale of ties and a donation, led to a total income of £3,688.80 for the year ended 31 July, 2013 and a gave balance sheet total of £7,808.02. 

After a discussion with the new president, the committee voted in favour of providing a £5,000 donation to the school minibus fund and a further £1,000 for use by the head teacher to assist pupils in need of financial support for school trips etc. 

B. Gilbert proposed the adoption of the accounts and S. Caveney seconded. The committee thanked N. Hancock for his continued contribution as Hon. Treasurer and also P. Taylor who would examine the accounts. 

It was further agreed that the Association would provide a school prize, proposed by N. Hancock and seconded by A. Snelling. The prize would reflect achievement in the field of I.T. studies.


Dinner Secretary’s report: To be presented at the following committee meeting.


Membership report: To be presented at the following committee meeting.


Hockey report: To be presented at the following committee meeting.


Football report: To be presented at the following committee meeting.


Website report: To be presented at the following committee meeting.


Remembrance report: To be presented at the next committee meeting


Committee meeting dates:     

Friday 31 January, 2014 at 7.30 pm

Friday 13 June, 2014 at 7.30 pm

Friday 3 October, 2014 at 7.00 pm to include the AGM


Annual dinner:  Saturday 22 March, 2014


There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.43 pm.